Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Motivation...number ONE

I think that every Monday I will post a little motivational challenge. And who knows...maybe someone could win something for completing it!!!

So for the first Monday is your challenge:

Create a LO or you could even downsize it to a card using this sketch (sorry I have had this one saved to my computer for quite some time and have no idea where I found it).

The thing I most love about this sketch is it is an excellent way to use up some scraps!! Please post a link to your completed LO or card (either posted on your blog, facebook or photo sharing website)
I hope some of you will try this!!! I am for sure!


  1. I know...just wish I knew where I found it...there are probably a bunch of other great ones!!

  2. well....I never got a chacne, myself. This will have to go into the To Do pile!! LOL


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